Tournament Rewards ๐Ÿ†

When registering to a Tournament in a Gameweek you are battling against other managers for the top Coach position. There is no amount of points guaranteed to earn a reward, instead at the end of the Gameweek managers earn rewards depending on where they finished in the leaderboard for their registered tournament/division.

Reward tiers come in two types:

  • Fixed positions: managers matching this exact position on the final leaderboard take the prize.

  • Percentage positions: all managers within this top percent are rewarded, based on the final number of registered managers. E.g. Top 30% of 100 registrations = 30 players.

Managers only finish in ONE of these positions, the highest they qualify for. If a Manager comes Third, they do not also receive the Top 30% or Top 50% reward.

Winning tournaments is the easiest way to earn loads of Coachiz, the Coach Ligue 1 utility token, and L1C token, with higher positions earning more.

Tournament Reward Value

Rewards are set in the currency rewarded, and are not tied to a dynamic EUR valuation. Rewards in Coachiz can be adjusted to compensate in case of a majorchange in the rating*, so as not to excessively devalueu the token by rewarding too much, and also so as not to under-reward managers for their success.

๐Ÿ“‘ * NOTE: This is an indication of intention only, and it is not guaranteed that the rewards will be updated at any exact time, or by any exact proportion.

Last updated