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Tournaments is a game mode where players can register a team that meets varied restrictions per tournament to compete for leaderboard rewards every Gameweek.
Each Tournament is split into multiple divisions, with higher divisions offering bigger rewards, but requiring higher rarity cards to enter.
Each Coach Card can only be registered in 1 Tournament at a time.
After each Gameweek, Managers in the top leaderboard positions of each Division will receive rewards.
Each Tournament has a theme, which defines the restriction of which Athletes can be entered. Some examples of regularly recurring Tournament themes:
Ligue 1 - only players from Ligue 1 and the current season's cards can be registered in your teams.
Ligue 2 - only players from Ligue 2 and the current season's cards can be registered in your teams.
(Incoming in season 24-25) Legacy - this tournament allows only previous season cards to be registered. Current season cards cannot be used.
Some examples of regularly recurring Tournament themes:
Both Leagues - players from Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 from the current season's cards can be registered on your teams.
U23 - only players aged 23 and under can be registered on your teams.
O28 - only players aged 28 and above can be registered on your teams.
Underdogs - coaches face restrictions based on their players' past performance to create a strategic composition.
Formations - special formation tournaments that vary from the classical line-up.
Diversity - restrictions to limit the inclusion of multiple players from the same team.
All Stars - players uncapped to leverage top performance.
Packed field - a broad field open to more cards.
More to come in future updates!
Every tournament has multiple divisions that have different team requirements, leaderboards, and rewards. The purpose of Divisions is to separate Managers of different levels, offering bigger rewards for Managers with bigger collections, and giving newer Managers a solid chance to win against other Managers of equal level.
Some Tournaments may allow Managers to register a team in multiple different Divisions, with the number of entries decided per Tournament. The max will most commonly be 1 or 2 entries.
You will compete with a regular line-up of 11 athletes on the pitch. Each tournament features various divisions, each necessitating specific card rarities for entry. Each division is tied to a rarity, and each division simply requires cards of that rarity or higher.
Here is a sneak peek at the approximate Divisions we are planning to use for Tournaments (available Divisions may change per Tournament):
Requires a minimum of 8 PRO cards (or better)
Requires a minimum of 3 Pro cards (or better) + 8 International cards (or better)
Requires a minimum of 3 International cards (or better) + 8 Champion cards (or better)
Requires a minimum of 10 Champion cards (or better) + 1 Légende cards
Légende cards will exceptionally receive a +50% point bonus when registered into Légende tournaments (where specifically noted).
Our objective is for any new player to be able to progress by collecting rewards in lower divisions, granting access to divisions with higher card rarity requirements.
Entry restrictions, team requirements, and reward balance should naturally lead to players of equal level playing in the same division. Tournaments should give every player a fair chance to win.
The first divisions will be very accessible and won't require a large collection in order to register a team.