Card Exchange Policy ๐Ÿšจ

We are actively trying to reduce the amount of 'Inactive' players in the game to maintain great rewards and pack drops! It can still happen that some are distributed. If the player's card you receive through Packs or Rewards (not bought on the marketplace) meets any of the criteria mentioned below, you are qualified to exchange it for another one. Note: Only the distribution date from CL1 will be taken into account for a card and can't be retroactively used for exchanges.

Exchange criteria

  • Did not play at least 7+ of the last 10 matches of their team

  • Transferred to another Club not covered in Coach Ligue 1

    • Official announcement by the Club required (rumors don't count)

  • Injured for more than 1 month

    • Official announcement by the Club required

    • Unknown durations = No compensation - exceptions can be made for long injuries

  • Retired recently

    • Official announcement by the Club required

  • Contract terminated by their current club

    • Official announcement by the Club required

Additional Information

An overview of the distribution list for CL1 players distributed has been shared in order to track as much as possible all athletes we are distributing, and updating it as much as possible. Please keep in mind that the CL1 athlete list is just an approximation and might not be 100% correct at all times.

There might be last-minute changes that are reflected in our database but not yet on the distribution list. You can check the current lists here:

  • UC - FB Athlete List [CL1 link provided soon]

To initiate the process, please submit a support ticket using our in-game form at [CL1 link provided soon]