Football Cards

A Coach Card in Coach Ligue 1 is an officially licensed digital collectible of a footballer hosted as an NFT on the blockchain.

Cards are at the hear of the game; You can play, collect, and trad them along the way to become the Best Coach!

The exception is Espoir Coach Cards which are held on your account and are NOT tradable NFTs, but are much easier to collect in game!

Play with your cards

Each gameweek, you can build and register teams with the cards you own in your collection. In turn, playing the game will give you a chance to access our most prestigious rewards!

Trade and sell your cards

Coach Cards are blockchain digital NFTs with proven scarcity. You can trade and sell them in our open Marketplace 💰 or alternatively play with them every week in our different game modes!

Compared to traditional online games, a Coach Card is a digital collectible. Players have true ownership over the items they earn or buy in the game, because they are NFTs, “subject to IP rights as mentioned in T&Cs”.

Last updated