Card Rarities

Coach Cards can have two type of bonuses that will impact their utilisation:

  • Card Rarity requirements

  • Special Card Condition bonus

Card Rarity

Cards can have five different rarities:

Common cards are not NFTs but are hosted on the server directly.

Card Stock

Rarities define the number of season editions of Coach Cards that will be minted over the course of a season.

Rarity performance

Performance bonuses do NOT affect scores in the Leagues gamemode.

  • This is to ensure that the competition in Leagues is as fair and casual as possible, while keeping the competing spirit in other game modes.

Cards of higher rarity will maintain the same competitive advantage, but to ensure fairness in tournaments, specific card requirements will be introduced. Tournaments will necessitate a minimum card requirement, allowing cards of higher rarity to be eligible, but setting a baseline requirement for participation.

Moreover, in the highest divisions, there may be an exclusive % modifier bonus of +50% for Lรฉgende cards, further incentivizing and rewarding holders participating in advanced competitions featuring Lรฉgende cards.

Therefore, cards with a Lรฉgende rarity might have a higher performance bonus that will increase the points they score each game week (see Scoring System).

Common cards

Coach Cards with the Common rarities are not NFTs - but free cards used to onboard players and the entry point to our free-to-earn core loop. They have unlimited editions, no rarity advantage, and cannot be traded.

Last updated